Michelle and I are on the brink of a brand new chapter in our rather adventurous lives together!
We have felt a strong calling on us since last year, and although the last 10 months at Media Village was a wonderful growing experience - we feel The Lord wants us to devote ourselves to working full time for him.
We are currently unemployed and living on faith and miraculous support. Our vision is to SERVE. And to do this we are looking at using the wonderful skills God has given us through His grace.
We believe that a new and wonderful walk with the Lord stretches out before us and we are excited by the knowledge that the Christ who lives in us will guide us in this new walk.
At the end of October we were blessed with a wonderful gift from dear friends in Christ, which enabled us to travel to Port Elizabeth to attend a conference on The Christ Life, led by Warren Litzman. http://www.christ-life.org
It was a time to be silent with Christ, and to allow Him to lead.
I have come away from this conference with a new understanding of "be-ing" in Christ, and to stop trying to "do" for Christ. We spend so much energy and effort in striving that we loose the wonderful peace and rest which Christ wants for us.
One of the most difficult things to do in the flesh - is to rest in Christ - and yet it is also the most simple thing to do - This has been my revelation and has brought me to an even closer relationship with Christ.